Board Meeting 11.11.2023 Minutes and Attachments
Please find attached the minutes and attachments from the 11.11.2023 CCWD Board Meeting.
- Agenda
- Minutes
- Attachment 1_ Agenda 11.11.23 CANEBRAKE COUNTY WATER DISTRICT MEETING.pdf
- Attachment 2_CCWD_Financial_Reporting_2023November.pdf
- Attachment 3a_CANEBRAKE_BALANCE_SHEET_2023Oct31.pdf
- Attachment 3b_Bimonthly_Income_Expenses_2023Sept_Oct.pdf
- Attachment 3c Profit_Losses_YTD_Actual_Vs_Budgeted_2023Nov.pdf
- Attachment 4_SDRMA Award.jpg
- Attachment 5 CalPers.pdf
- Attachment 6_CCWD_EquipmentReport2023November.pdf
- Attachment 7_HeavyEquipmentPics2023Nov.pdf
- Attachment 7a_239D_SkidSteerSpecs.pdf
- Attachment 8_Water Manager Report November 11, 2023.pdf
- Attachment 9_ SOP_Tank_Disinfection_VETTED.pdf
- Attachment 10_CCWD_FiveYearGuide2023Nov17.pdf
- Attachment 11 _ Well_Depth_Readings_Oct2023 (1).pdf
- Attachment 12 _CCWD_Financial_WaterRates_ 2023November.pdf
- Attachment 13_ UltraSonicSensorTexasInstruments.pdf
- Attachment 14 Onsite_System_Status_Signs_2023November.pdf
- Attachment 15_ Correspondence with Kathy S..pdf
- Attachment 16_ Correspondence from Bob F..pdf
- Attachment 17_ Proposed Safety Committee Meeting.jpg