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New Capability - Filling the Tanks with Water is Automated


New Capability - filling the tanks with water is automated.  Tank level readings and adjusting the pump schedule have been combined to create an Automated Pumping System.  Every day this new capability computes how much pumping is needed to keep water at a desired level in the tank for patrons to enjoy. The system is robust, handling varying water usages by the community and is monitored around the clock providing email alerts if something needs attention.

The following efforts were designed and built:

  • Measure Water Level in the Tank - Using satellite communication and a radar sensor, the tank water level is recorded throughout the day.
  • Remote Pump Control - Using Starlink and a WIFI Timer on Peterson Pump, the pump can be remotely controlled.
  • Automated Pumping System - The tank level readings and remote timer were combined to create an Automated Pumping System
  • Operate the System Anywhere Using a Phone - A custom secure phone application was developed to administer the capability. A "Desired Tank Level" setting is all that is needed to easily configure the automation.
  • Email Alerts to District Staff - Alerts run 24/7 monitoring the system.  Alerts include: low tank level, outdated sensor data and checks if desired tank level is being maintained. Board members are automatically emailed if there is an alert.
  • Volume and Usage Graphs - Historical trends are graphed to detect new leaks.
  • Environmentally Hardened Equipment - High quality parts are used to withstand high winds and high temperatures. 
  • End-to-End Testing - The system has been tested daily through the last summer.

Thanks to the volunteers that helped with the installation, including: Bill Dimmock, Steve  Fillmore, Mike Hammond, Travis Harr, Josh Kline, Chris  MacDonald, Tom Stucke and Jim Ward.  

Thanks to all the previous water managers who drove up Canyon Road to monitor the tank levels and return to the wells to adjust the pump schedule everyday for the past 59 years.

Special thanks to Gunnar for designing the new capability, integrating different web technologies and pioneering the district's Automated Pumping System.


Live long and prosper Canebrake,

- Canebrake County Water District