CCWD Monthly Newsletter January 20, 2025
From Canebrake County Water District
To our property owners, residents and guests of Canebrake,
We have heard you. Our goal moving forward is to openly communicate with the community. We will share noteworthy information regarding our water infrastructure.
Meeting January, 18th 2025 - Swearing in of new Elected Board Members. On January 18th at 8:30 am CCWD held a brief meeting calling to order for the purpose of administering the Oath of Office to the new duly elected Board members of CCWD. The meeting was attended by 7 or more community residents which was much appreciated.
Acting Board Member Daryl Holmes Jr. initiated the role of swearing in of the following elected nominees for their 4 year term.
- Marsha Cambell - Canebrake property owner
- Christopher MacDonald - Canebrake property owner
Marsha and Christopher accepted the Oath of Office as acting Board Members based on the laws of the State of California and under the jurisdiction of the County of San Diego.
CCWD consists of 5 seats on the board. Currently there are 2 open seats that will be available if anyone is interested for an appointment that is exclusive to Canebrake property owners. We have tentatively discussed a date for a public “special meeting” on the morning Saturday, February 1st. 2025. We will inform the community with a notice via email and a posted memo at the community building once the date is established.
Water Infrastructure Status as of January 20, 2025
Thanks to our water volunteer Gunnar, we now have a fully automated monitoring and pumping system which active board members use to view and adjust tank levels and monitor for leaks. From recent history, our current status shows no new large leaks. CCWD is always looking for possible leaks. As we perpetually monitor levels, if an out of ordinary drop in tank water level is spotted, CCWD will respond looking for water leaks.
We must RELY on our community as volunteers. Many of our community walk our roadways and walkways everyday. Recently observant Canebrakers spotted a significant leak and immediately communicated it to a Board Member. This was a great deed and saved our community from substantial water loss, time labor and wear and tear on our well pumps. We ask that all of our community keep an eye out for potential wet soil and any possible leaks and share with the CCWD water board members by using the community contact form on the Canebrake County website. Current Board Members, Daryl Holmes Jr, Christopher MacDonald and Marsha Cambell.
Lastly…most of you know our water infrastructure is fragile and aged. For the last few years we have been active in replacing old valves and replacing poly and galvanized pipe with PVC. We would not have a Canebrake if it wasn’t for our precious water system. We appreciate any volunteers when we announce projects.
All the best, Thank you…
Daryl Holmes