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CCWD Board Seats and Terms Revised 11.23.2024

The CCWD Board of Directors are elected to four year terms by the residents registered to vote in the Canebrake Community. The terms are staggered at 2-year intervals to maximize overlap of knowledgeable board members. You can resign anytime though and are NOT bound or required to stay for FOUR years. 

When are Seats Available:

  • Seat #2 and Seat #5 are open for election every FOUR years starting in 2024.
  • Seat #1, Seat #3 and Seat #4 are open for election every FOUR years starting in 2026. 
  • In between these years, seats may become available when board members resign or their seat opens up for other reasons (passing away, illness, etc)

To Run for a Seat on the Board:

  • Note the year of election
  • File as a candidate with the San Diego County Registrar of Voters.
  • File window the year of the election is  from July 15th - Aug. 9th (approx)
  • Anyone interested in running for the seats may contact the San Diego County Registrar of Voters to make an appointment or ask questions; by calling 858-505-7260 or by email.

Expectations and Requirements

  • To qualify you must be registered to vote from your Canebrake address, or own property within the CCWD boundaries.  
  • Board Members are required to physically attend five meetings per year on the second Saturday at  9 a.m. in January, March, May, June, September, and November at McKenney Hall in Canebrake.
  • This is a volunteer working board. 
  • Expect to donate 10 - 100 hours per month to ensure delivery of potable water to all residents.



To all Canebrake registered voters, or landowners within the Canebrake Community. This notice is to inform those considering becoming a Board Member of the Canebrake County Water District (CCWD).

There are two open seats currently available.

CCWD Website: